Le Stretching du musicien

Le Stretching du musicienMusician's Stretching, Practical manual
Practicing stretching strengthens the structure of muscles and tendons, while maintaining muscle extensibility; it is also better coordination, range and ease of movement. Stretching promotes tissue oxygenation and thus the recovery after exercise; they refine proprioception and kinesthetic sense, whose role is essential for the control of movement.
French Book
We understand the interest for musicians, whatever their instrument or age, to practice stretching physical preparation and prevention of functional disorders, warm up, recovery after play, learning and refinement of proprioceptive perceptions instrument optimization effort and energy saving during the instrumental gesture ... stretching also offset some muscle imbalances associated with holding and playing the instrument, or to the morphology of the musician or his motor behavior.
Stretching offered in this book are particularly suited to musicians. Each exercise is illustrated and accompanied his description of warnings and recommendations for good practice and advice according to the instrument played. These exercises involve the whole body; the focus is on the back, pelvis, shoulders, areas whose musicians often have a proprioceptive awareness undeveloped, but which are essential for their instrumental practice.
The boards of exercises per family of instruments have been designed by the author as specific training programs for string players, wind instrumentalists, pianists, harpists and organists, percussionists.
By regulating the tone and removing bodily tension, these stretches will also promote relaxation and positively affect the mind and well-being of the musician.
"For the first time, musicians have at their disposal explanations, concrete goals and exercises involving work their muscles. [...] Nothing is left to chance. The exercises are precisely described; many details perfectly illuminate the musician. "(Philippe Chamagne)
Michel Boutan
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