Le Qi Gong du musicien
Le Qi Gong du musicienMusician's Qi Gong
Qi Gong, after energy gymnastics ancient Chinese culture, offers its mind-qualities and holistic approach to movement a beneficial practice for musicians of all ages.
French Book
Qi Gong is for musicians appropriate physical and mental preparation. By practicing Qi Gong, the musician focused its training on the fundamentals of its instrumentalist job: rooting, respect axes of the body in movement, fluidity of gesture, a fine awareness of bodily functioning. A series of exercises is thus proposed, on the body weight, swaying movements, the drive pulse, the rotational movements, push-ups, ballistic movements, coordination ... In a Qi Gong movement , attitude or movement is always associated with the breath of breathing at the same time that attention to the process by a global commitment to be open as much to its internal sensations that world around him. This allows the player to improve his concentration, to give freshness to his approach to music, to promote the expressive intention given to his musical interpretation: indeed, in Qi Gong as music, intention always precedes movement.
The author also develops the implications that the practice of Qi Gong can have on teaching music and solve some behavioral problems to the instrument.
The practice of this technique gives musicians the welfare and harmony of body and mind conducive to creativity.
Queen Brigitte Sulem
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