La posture et le geste du guitariste Tome 2

La posture et le geste du guitariste Tome 2Posture and gesture guitarist, The technical hands

The guitar technique is particularly demanding especially for the hand and upper limb. The anatomy of each technical movement is explained, the most common defects are explained with simple proposals to remedy them.
French Book

Patrick Perrin, Beatrice Bouvier

The guitarist, now assured of a good posture to the instrument and a good placement of the different body segments (volume 1), can with this volume 2 refine their labors to the instrument. The various techniques of the right hand and left hand (stubborn, pinched, crossed linked, passages, exchanges, records fingerprints, etc.) are considered in terms of the functional anatomy and scientific pedagogy. Knowing synergies and muscle interactions, take into account the morphological characteristics, be attentive to functional disorders warning signs, these are the key points for musicians to reconcile safe technical requirements and style of their game and respect for their physiology.

The most commonly observed defects are explained and simple solutions, based on anatomy and physiology, are then proposed. Cognitive and behavioral aspects are never neglected.

By analyzing finely the different possibilities praxic Hand on guitar, authors, guitarists and educators, offer to all guitarists how to reconcile physiology and art of the guitar. For this work, guitarists learn to look for functional adequacy between their bodies and their instrument to put in the service of their musical ambitions.

192 pages, illustrations

Version papier

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